Observations in Lucid Dreaming: The Pendulum Swing

The following is based upon subjective experience - a disclaimer to the speculative nature of this information.

About the nature of dream recall:

I have observed that fragments of memory will be present, but the linear process of visual information disintegrates very quickly as the transition into physical space and time is made (upon waking). In a manner, logical order ceases to exist in dream dimensions - there are merely frames of moments available to memory. Reality is an interference pattern between Time and Space, Night and Day, Birth and Death. Ergo, in the field of more expansive dimensions where we are able to navigate presence with more freedom, logical order becomes irrelevant. Imagine: to envision a stream of thought at once, apprehending from fore to back and aft to fore. From this perspective, the Universe looks more like a Big Thought, rather than a big machine.

I have trained an ability to awaken to lucidity very frequently, but still find that there are aspects beyond my control. The goal of this note is to explore the nature of these limitations & speculate upon viable methods one might employ to overcome obstacles within a practise of lucid dreaming. It is quite possible to stir reality on this plane by using another dimension that has a cross-referenced, simultaneous effect on our perception - i.e. the ‘subconscious’.*** Moreover, I have recently taken note that persons with insomniac tendencies and/or narcoleptic tendencies on the other side of the coin are seemingly inherently more prone to be lucid dreamers. The difficulty achieving or maintaining REM sleep (deep sleep) is profoundly connected to this theory. In other words, “light sleep” is where the magic happens…. which may also infer why sleep paralysis occurs in conjunction frequently with either of these conditions.****

I liken the act of sleeping to a pendulum swinging between wakefulness and unconsciousness: the middle of this process is the state of lucidity.

Now, if we really get paying attention, it becomes apparent that dream fragments appear just as we fall into sleep and just before waking. Thus, the swinging pendulum is a successful analogy. If one can slow down this process, various altered states of consciousness become available. With this in mind, COHERENCY is a quality one must cultivate first in order to gain control in dreams. From my personal observations, as a fragment ends (transitions) in dream space/time, so does the conception of any heightened state of awareness that has accompanied the fragment, if at all. If one wishes to maintain a state of lucidity, I advise to minimize taking action in lucid dream states when fragmentation begins to be felt to arise as a consequence of action (in that same state).

Altogether, the proposition is that if one can establish links between an increasing amount of dream fragments, the space and validity of the ‘present dimension’ can be increased. The point in which the dreamer is able to change dimensional realities remains an ideal possibility to my mind.
***Please note: The Subjective realm, once entered and known - from the perspective of the inner self - is a vicinity which is vitally more real than is the objective. However, it’s existence must first be acknowledged. We may then develop a mechanism of contact and cultivate the ability to use this mechanism at will. Only then is inspired interpretation possible. I have been recording and analyzing very lengthy dreams in great detail for a few years to date.
**** Interestingly, sleep paralysis - which I interpret as “one astral body above the physical” as a state of consciousness (just before waking) seems to involve thought forms (and perhaps foreign entities) more often than some other states.

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